Wings Park East London

Fly-in destinations and airfield information - also use this forum to make contact with people in other areas
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Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:22 am
Location: East London

Wings Park East London

Postby bryan » Mon May 17, 2010 12:45 pm

Hi Guys
Just an Update for possible visitors. Our clubhouse soon [hopefully] to be completed. Our runways during this very dry period are in good condition and we welcome the news that we will soon be adding another crosswind runway for the trikes.Hangerage , well they are popping up like mushrooms but free space inside bit limited.

New aircraft coming and joining regularly with 3 Jabi's now resident and 4th on its way. 3 Skyrangers, 1 Grob motorized glider , 1 RV4 , 2 Savannahs, 3 active trikes and 3 non active,1 Mooney and a Kitfox make up the rest.

We are not a club but share the love of flying and every weekend and some evenings after work we fly as much as the weather will allow. (^^)

If you intend flying through East london do join us but check your Easi Plan co ords as they were not accurate for our field a short while ago.

Bryan Erasmus

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