There is a saying

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There is a saying

Postby Bennie Vorster » Thu May 22, 2008 8:06 pm

There is a saying that states'' the only difference between an emigrant and a fugitive is timing''

So the Question still remains, when is the best time to pack up and go or is it to late already ? :? :? :?
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Re: There is a saying

Postby Boet » Thu May 22, 2008 9:30 pm

You have left it too late already. From here on it will be to the last bullet or the last drop of blood.
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Re: There is a saying

Postby grostek » Thu May 22, 2008 10:05 pm


We cant really give you advice, because your situation and perception of the state of the country is different from everybody elses perception.

You want to leave SA, I want to return and it is only good cashflow that is preventing me from returning at present . You see different perceptions.

Many people on this Forum and Avcom want to leave, yet I know of several aquaintances in europe who have bought property in SA and moved to SA in the last year.They think it is better than europe.

My nephew in germany wants to leave, although he has a very well paid job. He is not happy with germany and approx 40% of germans are not happy with their country. Incidentally officially 13% of all germans live below the poverty level surprising isnt it.

My eldest daughter in england has a super job a super house excellent prospects and is unhappy with the english way of life. My youngest daughter is finishing her medical studies in the UK next year and wants to go and work in Ethiopia. They were both born in the Transvaal

I know many people in SA who are happy with their situation and would not dream of moving.

They mostly say the violence and other irritations do not affect them directly on a regular basis so they tend to ignore it.

This is just a small sample of people that I know and that are near to me, all have different ways of looking at life.

The only advice I can give you is go and look see where you want to go to, stay there for at least 6 weeks, then you will get to know the real way of life there.

I have left SA twice and will always go back to SA because it is home. I am in regular contact with people in SA on a weekly basis and know what is going on.

I cant say I hope this helps you, because it will probably confuse you even more.

It is within yourself that you will find the answer to your questions.

Kind regards,

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Re: There is a saying

Postby andreb » Fri May 23, 2008 1:53 am

It is a personal choice issue. We got fed up 3 years ago and applied to Oz for permanent residence visas, which we got about a year later. We are planning to move end Dec. My wife and son were hijacked and I see things going south all around us. Just look at the general state of the infrastructure.
That being said, this is a wonderful country and there are many reasons to live here. We just cannot take the risk of waking up in a few (or more) years time and looking like the rest of Africa. Then it will be too late! We also feel helpless to influence the future of this country. Those that say we can are fooling themselves.
You decide whether you can wait and whether you think your money and the Rand will be worth anything. I know what I decided.
Good luck.
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Re: There is a saying

Postby Bennie Vorster » Fri May 23, 2008 6:39 am

Growing old is far more dangerous than flying !!!
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Re: There is a saying

Postby Slabfish » Fri May 23, 2008 9:13 am

Bennie, ek het ook na die dvd gekyk en kon nie glo dat iemand n mens se intelegensie so vlak kan vat nie . Daar sal altyd die "doomprofits wees". Jy moet maar oppas dat jy nie in daardie kategorie vasgevang word nie. As n mede gelowige wil ek ook net maan om jouself nie met die soort negatieweteit op te hou nie. Ek probeer altyd om op die positiewe kant van die lewe te fokus , dit het wonderlike resultate ,jy moet maar vasbyt en die mooi dinge in ons land opsoek, daar is baaaie daarvan! Ek hoop van harte dat jou situasie verander sodat ons nie nog van ons goeie suidafrikaners verloor nie .Onthou om jouself net met positiewe mense te omring en vermy die ouens wat negatief is ,kry hulle so gou moontlik uit jou lewe----dit werk! Dis n wonderlike land die!
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Re: There is a saying

Postby Low Level » Fri May 23, 2008 11:17 am

Slabfish wrote:Onthou om jouself net met positiewe mense te omring en vermy die ouens wat negatief is ,kry hulle so gou moontlik uit jou lewe----dit werk! Dis n wonderlike land die!
Goed gestel - my filosofie in die lewe. vhpy

Hierdie is 'n e-pos wat ek gister ontvang het.

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners .

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with .


The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.

Friends and family - those are the ones making life great.

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia ' (Charles Schultz) :wink:

:lol: :lol:

If you leave, you think you make a better life - with what ????? No friends, no family.

Start making a difference in your life and the people around you by being positive.

I have a negative colleague. A while ago he could only talk about leaving SA. After the second time about this B.S. in my office, he got a good piece of my mind. Now he knows, he is only welcome in my office if he wants to talk positive. Anything else, I ask him to leave. That includes braais, koek and tee etc. No negative BS.

Face the reality, but there are two ways of discussing it. You choose.

Our problem in life is, we tend to see the 1 % of people that is better off than us. We want to be there - which is not a bad thing - but the 99 % that sees us, we don't see them. Look at your life, even with all the burglar bars and safety doors. Trust me, we live in paradise.

If you are a positive person - people around you becomes positive, and trust me you will be part of those that make a difference. There are too much to live for in South Africa, and I intend to become a very happy, very old person around the people I love.

If you are really phased with the situation around you, leave the gangsters paradise, and buy a piece of land from Boet in Loeriesfontein. (^^)
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Re: There is a saying

Postby cvh » Fri May 23, 2008 12:23 pm


That is a very nice post you put up here!

Thank you!
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Re: There is a saying

Postby LarryMcG » Fri May 23, 2008 12:33 pm

Well said, Ldel!

I also starting thinking negatively, a while ago, but also made a concious decision to forget the BS, and live life!

As long as I have friends and flying, I have passion, and a place to live!

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Re: There is a saying

Postby Low Level » Fri May 23, 2008 1:43 pm

Thanx. :wink:

I love useless info. This from the civilized world we want to run to. :lol:

Buy a car! Get a free gun

23/05/2008 09:08

Salesmen at a Missouri car dealership are not just kicking in a free CD player or air conditioner: They are offering a free handgun with every purchase.

Through the end of the month, car buyers at Max Motors in Butler will have a choice - $250 toward either a gun purchase or gasoline.

General manager Walter Moore said that so far, most buyers have chosen the gun, adding that he suggests they opt for a semiautomatic model "because it holds more rounds."

(In the fine print, the ad on the Web site explains, "Check written toward purchase price" and also mentions, "Approved Background Check REQUIRED!!")

Moore said he suspects his "Free Handgun" ad will draw protests in some places. But not in Butler, about 105km's south of Kansas City.

Moore said, "Down here, we all believe in God, guts and guns."

» Wheels24 is now available on your cellphone.
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Re: There is a saying

Postby andreb » Fri May 23, 2008 7:15 pm

I am extremely positive about most things in life. I do not go round telling everyone how shit SA is and they must get out, etc. However I am a realist and IN MY OPINION just being positive will get you nowhere in SA. Just ask the Zimbabweans how positive they were 10 yers ago!
As a white I have no say in the running of the country and cannot influnece the future. I chose the path of least risk for my family and I. I will say it again....SA is a wonderful country and you could find as many arguments to stay in SA as there are to leave.
As for friends, you can make just as good friends in Australai or anywhere else in the world. We don't have a monopoly on good mates.
Getting pissed off with your friends for talking about teh problems in SA is naive and putting your head in the sand. Only by facing the issues and analysing yoru options, will you be able to make an informed decision abut your future. just being positive and telling everyone so is not going to make ONE BIT OF DIFFERENCE to the idiots running this country.We can use all the quotes we want about being positive, the reality we live with remains. None of these positive people are going to be in queue with me at the supermarket in 10 yeras time, trying to buy a loaf of bread with my pension in a wheelbarrow.

Bennie, you think about what would be best for you and your family in the long term. Safety and prosperity. This is a wild and savage continent and it is not for whites and sissies (but I still love it here)!

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Re: There is a saying

Postby Nkwazi » Fri May 23, 2008 11:19 pm

Me, I've lived in 3 beautiful African countries - Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa. Common thread - " this country's going to the dogs and I'm outta here". Let me tell you that the guys who have stayed are multi's in US$.(ask Mogas!!!! - my shamwari) Can you imagine selling everything that you have worked for and leaving, starting again and probably not having the same way of life. I am fortunate in that I have lived in the rack and ruin and South Africa is like New York for me and I count myself fortunate and privelaged to be living here. My back is used to the jarring potholes,my wallet used to the incompetence, corruption, stupidity, red tape. But me, I am used to it and I will die in this beloved continent that I am so privelaged to share with so many and the continent that I call HOME will remain that till the day I die
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Re: There is a saying

Postby Grumpy » Sat May 24, 2008 11:00 am

Nkwasi---------------(^^) Very seldom a more true word uttered. I respect 'each to their own'. I'm here to stay!!!
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Re: There is a saying

Postby FO Gyro » Sat May 24, 2008 11:31 am


I enjoyed your positive post. See everybody, Gyro pilots are positive!!! vhpy vhpy vhpy

Yes there's a lot of negativity out there, but let's try and look at the positives. Everyone was so negative about all the Eskom outages, but it doesn't seem so bad lately.

As someone once said, if its out of of your area of influence, ie. if you can't change it, then don't worry about it. Try and manage the situation. Buy a generator/inverter etc.

Some people have been through terrible situations of violent crime, but have dug their heels in and will not leave for overseas.

I think the day we lose hope, and don't believe that tomorrow will be a better day, and something to look forward to, is the day we might as well be dead. You only pass this way once. Might as well try and make the effort to be happy, despite the situation one is in. It's one's perception of what is going on that creates one's reality. We all have different reactions to create our reality of how we see the future.
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Re: There is a saying

Postby swiftprop » Sat May 24, 2008 5:31 pm

I live in Knysna in the Western Cape and have met quite a few people in the last year or two who :
a. are South Africans and have lived in the UK etc for five or more years and are BACK
b. are from various European countries and the USA and have immigrated to SA stating that the grass is definately greener on our side of the fence and not as a result of manure.

Mainly I think a lot revolves around your attitude. I only surround myself with positive pleasant people and eliminate the rest. (^^) (^^) for South Africa and its lovely, friendly and hospitable people!!!!!!!! Known to be the friendliest people on earth and that does not just refer to us Whites!

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